7 Nutritional Tips Before Your Wedding
The weeks leading up to the wedding are often filled with a lot of stress: constant rushing, running around, handling various activities, checking off the last tasks, and getting things done. Most of the time, nutrition is less of a priority during this period, as it understandably takes a back seat to other pressing concerns. Brides have sometimes noticed in the last days or weeks that their dress size has changed, necessitating adjustments for those where it’s possible. It’s not surprising to experience sudden weight loss or gain a few extra pounds shortly before the wedding. That’s why it’s crucial to pay attention to what you eat in the final weeks, as the results of stress, lack of sleep, fast food, and fasting will inevitably show, and it wouldn’t be ideal for all of this to manifest on your wedding day.
I thought I could help my future couples by compiling seven things related to nutrition with the assistance of a nutrition expert. So here they are:
Before your wedding, place greater emphasis on consuming healthier and more nutrient-rich foods. Often, couples find themselves with no time to cook in the last days, resorting to quick methods. Fast food, snacks, sweets, pastries, and other easily accessible foods come to the forefront during these times. It’s no secret that these foods have a negative impact not only on our figure but also on our overall health. That’s why it’s essential, whenever possible, to choose foods that are both quick to prepare at home and healthy.
In addition to consuming wisely chosen foods, it’s crucial not to skip main meals. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner play a vital role in our daily lives, but due to time constraints and constant stress, these meals are often skipped. I recommend thinking ahead to the next day and cooking for 2-3 days in advance, ensuring there’s always healthy food at hand and avoiding ordering fast food due to lack of time.
There are foods/drinks that have no favorable impact on you if consumed in the long run, especially in the period before the wedding. It’s often said that behind well-being, health, and a beautiful figure, hard work usually stands. It’s advisable to reduce the consumption of fast food, sweets, sugary drinks, alcohol, salt-rich, and processed foods not only before the wedding but at all times. It’s crucial to practice moderation and not overindulge in certain things. If you know you’re entering a period of increased stress in your daily life, pay attention to the foods you choose, as you are more prone to emotional eating during such times. Generally, the consumption of refined, sugar-rich, and processed foods helps alleviate stress, as certain foods trigger positive sensations. Try to opt for healthier desserts during such times that are not harmful to you but also satisfy your sweet cravings. These could include chocolate-covered almonds, oat pancakes, smoothies, protein bars, energy balls, fruits, dark chocolate, homemade ice cream, etc.
For future brides, it’s generally essential to look perfect on the big day. That’s why, in the months leading up to the wedding, they often pay excessive attention to what and how much they eat, sometimes embarking on miraculous diets. These diets usually don’t end well because there’s no diet that allows you to lose more than 1 kilogram in a week and still have a positive impact on health. The typical rate of healthy weight loss is usually between 0.5 and 1 kg per week, and it’s not recommended to exceed this, as it can lead to nutrient deficiencies, energy deficiencies, muscle loss, and also has negative effects on hormones and mood. To achieve sustainable and healthy weight loss, it’s recommended to follow a balanced diet that provides the right nutrients and calories. It’s also important to stay physically active and exercise regularly, while being patient with yourself. If you still want to shed a few extra pounds before the big day, think about it at least 3-6 months in advance to achieve your goal slowly but healthily.
In the days leading up to the wedding, it’s crucial to stay hydrated for both health and appearance. It’s no secret that the wedding is the day in your lives when you want to look your best. At this time, you need to shine not only on the outside but also from within. Don’t rely solely on the makeup artist; instead, assist their work by adequately hydrating yourself in the period before the wedding, ensuring your skin glows on the big day. The daily consumption of 2 liters of water has a positive effect not only on your skin but also on your energy levels, mood, and overall well-being, while aiding the body’s digestion and intestinal efficiency. Keep yourself constantly hydrated with plain water, unsweetened teas, fresh fruit juices, but don’t overdo it with coffee, sugary soft drinks, and alcohol.
Rest and sleep are extremely important before the wedding. If you truly want to enjoy the big day, reward yourself by not stressing over every little thing in the lead-up, some of which may not even be within your control. It’s not for nothing that you hear everywhere that getting 7-8 hours of sleep is very important for a healthy adult. Sleep plays a crucial role in our overall health; it helps the body and the brain regenerate, recharge, contributes to defense against diseases, aids in healing, has a positive impact on blood pressure, mental health, and can be related to weight gain. The quality and duration of sleep can influence appetite, satiety, and metabolism. To fully enjoy your big day, it’s crucial to be well-rested and calm, as lacking energy for the celebration is a possibility if not. Sleep and rest also have an impact on appearance. For brides, a well-applied makeup might help hide bags under the eyes, but it would be a better choice to be well-rested on the big day and not try to cover these imperfections with makeup. Of course, on the last evening, it’s understandable that due to excitement, you might not be able to sleep properly, so focus on resting in the preceding period.
You have probably heard several times already that breakfast plays an extremely important role in making healthy decisions throughout the day regarding our subsequent meals. Yes, all of this is true, but pay special attention to breakfast on the big day. It is not advisable to leave the house without eating anything, as this can lead to a decrease in energy levels, a slowdown in our concentration capacity, a drop in blood sugar levels, which can even lead to fainting. Start the day with a balanced breakfast containing protein and complex carbohydrates. You can even prepare it the night before to save time.
I thank for these useful tips to the person who takes care of my nutrition: Udvari Izolda She is my fiancee and I know very well the person she is, and I recommend her services for all of you who are looking for some professional help from a dietician. She is working in two dietician cabinets in Targu-Mures, and you can contact her on the following link : https://linktr.ee/udvariizolda.dietitian